We are kind of unique in our ability to sit on chairs, the majority of animals throughout evolutionary history have some form of tail. Imagine we meet aliens and every species is incapable of sitting on a chair, it’d make start trek look a little foolish.
We can sit on chairs but slouching on stuff is way more comfortable.
Source: Dated a human girl, everything got in the way. After two weeks we found a pose that finally worked in terms of seating/cuddle compatibility.
We’re also the only ones who can throw with such accuracy that we made sports with it.
I saw a post that said something like “imagine aliens show up and their minds are fucking blown by throwing and catching”
I switched to standing-only at work about 10 years ago and it’s been great, except for a 2-year stretch where the cleaners in the building I worked in would somehow find a free desk chair and push it under my desk every. single. night. So every morning when I got to work there’d be an office chair sitting on my standing mat and I’d have to find somewhere to put it. I tried moving it far away, finding a chairless desk on the other side of the building, but somehow they kept finding me a chair I didn’t want and rolling it onto my mat. Eventually I got a little guest stool and would pull that over onto my mat when I left, and that worked as a decoy chair and kept them from adding a chair. Maybe this comic was about them.
It’s probably a dumb question but have you tried leaving them a note?
This was years ago. And I did try a note! It didn’t work.
Sir this is Lemmy. We don’t interact with people for trivialities.