Dark mode is awesome, but unfortunately everyone on the internet are heathens and browse in light mode and take screen shots etc.
So dark mode on connect tends to just be bright white-space.
It would be great if there was a way to invert their colours too
Someone make a new image format that embeds the html of whatever you screenshot.
You could use thumbnails instead of cards so the images take up a lot less space on screen until you open them
(Just realized Connect is one of the few apps I haven’t tried, but I’m willing to bet there’s an option for it)
Yeah i tried that, but I scroll for memes mostly and don’t want to click through to things, especially because I’m lazy haha
Sounds like you’re looking for TikTok
Nah not at all, I enjoy the discussion and the word based posts, I just don’t want to have to click in and out of pages for a quick chuckle as I scroll by
Dark Reader extension on Firefox has been a life changer, but yeah, there’s always some blinding whiteness on the webs
Sounds like a cool feature. Let me see what I can come up with. Cheers!
Mate, if you could make something i could kiss you haha
Sounds like a job for that new code Apple is using to tint everything on the home screen.
Hi, just testing this out but if you’re on Beta v216 this setting is called ‘Invert Bright Images’ under Post Customization. Cheers!
I’m not sure if it’s working but here are 2 exceptions to the new feature.
Thanks that’s helpful. I’ve got to dial in the numbers of what I compare the average brightness against.