Claudia de la Cruz, the 2024 presidential candidate from the Party for Socialism and Liberation, just became director of the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO).

IFCO is the only org bringing US medical students to study at Cuba’s ELAM (Latin American School of Medicine), the largest medical school in the world. ELAM provides full scholarships for students.

A principled socialist now runs the main connection between the US and Cuba’s medical system.

          47 minutes ago

          There needs to be less infighting between leftist orgs (actual ones, not Democrat fronts like the DSA) in the US. Even if different orgs don’t agree with each other on certain issues, even if they have serious criticisms of each other, there is more to be gained from working together on points where there is agreement, or at least focusing attacks on the D&R corporate uniparty and refraining from “friendly fire”.

          I understand if comrades disagree with me on this but this is just my opinion.

            38 minutes ago

            I did not like how PSL members seemed to attack the org I was previously in.

            I agree with unity, but a false unity with no criticism and silencing dissent is no true unity at all. There needs to be more discussion and passing of info and criticisms while not dissolving into bad-faith attacks. Crying “unity” every time your favorite org is attacked (and I’m not saying you’re doing this) is just wrong. That unity needs to be worked toward.

            As for DSA, they’re fine, depending on the branch or club that you’re talking about. Much of it isn’t, but on the local level, at least, they can be fine. But again, I don’t judge them too much unless the local club has sex pest issues. Otherwise, I just work with them “on the issues.”

            Again, unity is not “agreeing with everything the next person to you says or does.” Not that you’re saying that.