Neocaridina are awesome creatures. Also pretty hardy, good for aquaristic newbies.
If you can’t do it for yourself, do it for the shrimp
I for once don’t think it’s fake. I was pretty hopeless until I rescue my dog from an abusive neighbour. Now I bought a fucking house just for her
Definitely fake, I ain’t ever heard of a dog
dayum, I would make a fake and gay joke, but this is so fucking wholesome that I just cant
I think it’s the first time I tear up a little reading green text…
The shrimp wouldn’t like it if you did.
Also just too specific imo
Dammit, if that’s not gay, it should be! Because it’s fucking fabulous!
I know, I know, we’re supposed to say it’s fake, and it could be. But folks, never, ever underestimate the power of passion and joy. It won’t overcome everything, every time, but I’ll be fucked if it doesn’t help overcome yourself often enough that it’s worth seeking.
It’s the shrimple life
They do say shrimpin ain’t easy