Call me crazy, but this is why I have been thinking about getting into hobbies where I can make my own tools. I like to journal, and have a fountain pen with ink, but it occurred to me that I could just make my own ink and paper. So much of what we do nowadays for enjoyment is via manufactured things. It’s an unfortunate by-product of a consumer society that even the hobbies that we partake in are themselves a consumptive act. That’s not to say that we should all forgo any kind of external products and just make everything ourselves, I too like a good book, piece of vinyl or comic like anyone else. But it is definitely something to consider the degree to which our lives revolve around some type of product consumption. I think that we’d all benefit from taking some time to consider finding hobbies that don’t rely on buying some type of product.
This is why I’m trying to leave off making my shitty cosplay that took me two years and more towards down loading a shit ton of books. I feel like I’m not going to be spending any supplies on hobbies by the time the next recession hits
This is cooking for me, among other things. I’m always going to be spending money on food might as well have fun with it. Plus if I’m good at making food other people will do the dishes lol
People have no idea how many books and magazines come from Canada and China.
If you see a really fancy hardcover that makes you go “OOH!” chances are, it came from China.
If it makes you say, “Eh,” chances are it’s from Canada.
People still read physical books and magazines?
Nothing beats the smell and touch of new physical books… Nothing and never !
Though, I do agree it’s maybe a bit better for our planet to read ebooks and the like :/
Collecting commodities isn’t a real hobby.
Good thing none of us in the US have time for hobbies right now with all the doom scrolling to see how we are impacted!
Hey we have the same hobby!
Sad Five!
neoliberal capitalism is, trump is just its steward rn.
Neoliberal capitalism is enabling trump’s fascism.
exactly. a far left candidate would never be given that much leeway to walk in and declare themselves dictator.
nuh uh, not in burgeois ‘democracy’. books would be thrown and examples would be made.