I’m not going to deal with this, unsubscribing. I recommend everyone else to do the same, we can’t let them get away with this. You can instead donate to an actually good news source, such as ProPublica. And nyt has a bunch of controversies, listed here. I can’t support this with a clear conscience.
Silly rabbit, did you think paying for a subscription would protect from advertising forever?
I am old enough to remember when cable TV was sold to the masses on the premise that if we bought cable, we wouldn’t have to see commercials, since our subscriptions would pay for the service.
It’s a ratchet system; annoy you, convince you to pay to make the annoyance go away, then wait a while and introduce another annoyance… and convince you to pay somre more on top of that to get rid of that annoyance… rinse, repeat.
Take to the seas, my lad (or lassie). yarrrrr.
Lassie :3
What are some good paywall blockers btw? 12ft.io doesn’t seem to work with nyt.
I use firefox with adblock and some kind of paywall blocker. Never get ads and no problem reading nyt.
some kind of paywall blocker.
Like no script?
Bypass paywalls clean is the name, it doesnt work on everuthing but i have no problem with the nyt. There are a million firefox addons, i get mine from internet comments. I recommend ublacklist which lets you block websites from google search results, eg no more facebook, twitter, instagram.