I don’t really know who this guy is but he makes a compelling argument.
The left should be arming themselves and leaving most gun reform in the past. At least if they want to win ever again.
I don’t see why you can’t buy a gun and support intelligent gun laws.
Because all of the “intelligent” gun laws outlaw guns.
Australia had a terrible mass shooting, instituted strong laws, and the result was more guns and no new shootings.
I think you might want to buy a device that has a “search engine.” That way you wouldn’t post things that aren’t true
Oh boy, the myth of Australian gun control working. I have a entire wall of text with sources I can go dig up, but the gist is that Australia’s violent crime rate matched the rest of the western world. But because this is Lemmy, no matter how many sources I link, none of y’all will ever change your mind.
Because y’all are close minded assholes.
Edit; Actually screw it, here you go. https://old.reddit.com/r/gunpolitics/comments/b6cgir/the_us_should_adopt_australias_gun_laws_says/ejkl8hb/
Ban is a pipe dream. There are more guns here than people, and it ain’t trending down. If your political enemies have been arming themselves for decades, and fantasizing about killing you… you would have to be a fool to willingly disarm yourself. It can happen here. Obtain and train.