Krasnov’s regime has deported and detained less than Biden’s. There’s that government efficiency we’ve been sold!
Wartime authority? I’m sure he won’t use that as an excuse to invade anyone as a bonus.
Isn’t this what all the second amendment muppets have been screaming about ever since Obama? I bet they won’t do shit
Are you kidding? They’re the ones doing the deporting!
How dare you insult those Patriots! We have to accept the outsized gun violence and school shootings that don’t happen in other countries because the heroes are going to battle all US armies with small arms like pistols, rifles, and shotguns! I’m sure they’ll be effective against tanks, bombs, satellite imagery, worldwide intelligence networks, missiles, machine guns, drones, nuclear warheads…
You joke but… Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq…
Do you… think the Constitution applies to foreign people in other countries? *Do you think they believe that??
I was pointing out times the US lost. Calm down.
The topic is obviously about defense against a tyrannical domestic government.
He’s not speeding up deportations, but detainment. He’s already realized that Guantanamo isn’t going to work, and flew those people back to the mainland. The new plan is creating detainment centers on military bases. We’ll have mineral refining internment camps before you know it.
Tinfoil hat time: is he manufacturing an economic crisis to return slavery? SCOTUS has already said prisoners don’t have to be paid for work performed
Just to be clear: the 13th Amendment says that prisoners don’t have to be paid for work performed.
Why do you think the prison industrial complex exists
Why do you think they make shit like weed illegal and why do you think they arrest minorities for it in greater numbers than white people
What did you think “white privilege” meant? Not getting nervous looks from a Starbucks barista?
America is a slaver state, always has been.
Weed is illegal and minorities get arrested for it more because Nixon wanted to create more felons to stop people from voting for Democrats. Because in his view mostly only hippies and minorities smoked weed or used other hallucinogens, and those people overwhelmingly vote for Democrats.
The slavery is a bonus, but that was the real reason.
Return? Legal slavery never ended.
I wouldn’t put it past him. We have massive potash reserves, but no stockpiles. Someone’s got to dig it up and refine it.
This isn’t the 1940’s. Mines are highly mechanized. This would be moronic, and achieve a much lower output than employing skilled workers.
So it’s definitely their plan, then
Sounds to me like he’s planning a war or two…
Remember during the election, when the folks in Texas kept describing migrants as “military-age men”? He’s gonna claim that the migrants are an invading army and he needs the military to root them out.
What regime would be stupid enough to use military resources to imprison a chunk of the domestic population while also having a giant war?
Oh, right, that kind.
He’s already ordered the military to plan an invasion of Panama to seize the canal (likely because Panama is the weaker target between them and Canada).