- Distro: Void
- WM: River
- Bar: Waybar
- Fonts: JetBrains Mono
- Symbols and icons: Nerd Font Symbols
- GTK-theme: adw-gtk3
- Icons: Papirus Dark
- Image Viewer: swayimg
- Media Player: mpv
- Notification daemon: mako
- Terminal foot
- Cron daemon snooze
- Shell: zsh
- Editor: neovim
- Filemanager: Yazi
- Launcher bemenu
Dotfiles: https://github.com/bitterhalt/dots-river
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I don’t see a lot of River out in the wild—I’m curious why you prefer it?
- Fast
- Super stable
- It has tags like DWM (Really biggest selling point for me)
- Easy to setup