I’ve used this mod to get access to some clothes that aren’t normally available.
Sorry to everyone of you who are now aware that this combination of hairstyle and beard makes Henry look like his name is James.
The first time i found those boots i wore them for almost the whole playthrough. Groom Ballatay in Semine has a pair (to steal) if anyone is looking for them without modding.
Very nice style on our boy Henry.
It’s certainly a nice pair of boots. I love how this game has many colour variations on the clothes.
I love it too…until i can’t find one specific color variant so i can look good for Katherine. Can’t be looking mismatched like some bumpkin from Skalitz.
“We dropped 100 contestants in Skalitz - who will make it out alive?”
The catch is there’s a Cuman army at Skalitz’ doorstep and it’s coming in hot