Hi, guys! 👋🏼 When I try to switch to Material preview in Blender my program crashes!
Who knows what can I do with it? 🤔
Thanks guys a lots! 😄
I think I understood where’s the problem was. I switched from virtio to QXL in the video section of my virt-manager, and everything started working successfully! 👍
Stay awesome, guys!
I would give their issue tracker a check. I searched “4.3.2 crash” and found several results that sound related to your issue. You can use the following link to get to the issue tracker query right away:
I would recommend running the LTS version which stands for Long Term Support unless there’s something really needed in 4.3 for a project. If that’s the case, then try an experimental release to see if your issue has been resolved. The following link will take you to the LTS releases:
So… It doesn’t works for me 😟
I checked…