Hamas has consistently struggled to articulate an achievable long-term strategy for alleviating the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza.
The author operates under the fundamentally flawed assumption that the terrorist hamas leadership cares about the well-being of the Gazan Arab population. They don’t - and either never have, or haven’t for a very long time. The primary interest of the political leadership, who live in other countries - far removed from the suffering of the people they supposedly lead, is to line their own pockets.
However, the fact that much of hamas upper echelons on the ground in Gaza was wiped out when hostilities resumed does imply that they misjudged the situation.
I didn’t really understand the premise of the article. What concrete actions should Hamas have taken according to this author?
Libs still justifying genocide.
haven’t read that article: nobody’s identifying the root point, & I don’t expect that to change…
From what I can see, Hamas intentionally sacrificed the Palestinians so that the sadism/nihilism of Netanyahu’s “Israel” would focus such absolute-hatred among the region, that Israel’s “deterrent” would cease to exist:
IF Israel’s military-violence-threat motivates the region to hold-back, THEN the region is deterred.
IF Israel’s genociding convinces the entire region that it doesn’t matter what Israel does to them, they HAVE TO annihilate Israel…
THEN … there’s no “deterrent” left, is there?
That is Hamas’s strategy, whether it was unconscious or conscious: they used Palestine’s lives as bait, & Israel’s ideological-rabies took the bait.
Now, it’ll only be a few years more, before that inevitable action->reaction happens, when the absolute-annihilation-of-Israel happens, no matter what the cost…
I can’t possibly “side with” either: ideological genociding isn’t valid, either way, & worshipping one’s own religion-regime, instead of just surrendering to LivingSpirit, isn’t sane ( but is absolutely normal, on this planet, for millenia ).
All I can do is recommend that real Jews get as far away from Israel as possible, before the inevitable annihilation happens, & hope that the Palestinians can get out & find safety somewhere else, because Trump certainly doesn’t value their lives…
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Hamas and other Palestinian groups tried all angles of diplomacy over the past 75 years. There is no intention to solve anything diplomatically on the Israeli side and there is no intention by any major supporter of Israel to stop them from genocide and ethnic cleansing, be it fast or be it slow.
So either Palestinians get murdered quietly, or they resist loudly, which then forced some people to see the true face of Israel, that before they could ignore, when it was only a few hundred to a few thousand people murdered every year. When it was only slow starvation instead of fast starvation, when the land grab was only a few dozen villages a year, rather than hundreds of them.
The complicit silence of countries like the US, UK, Germany, France, UAE and many more is at equal blame. Both for the attacks of October 7 and for the internal destruction of Israel.
Having skimmed the article, now I believe that Hamas’s strategem was unconscious, not conscious: they seem incapable of objective strategy?
Tactics, but not strategy, & even in tactics, it seems that objectivity isn’t high-enough on their priorities to clue them in.
… shruggeth …
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