9-Panel Comic by War and Peas Panel 1: Title card with a wide-eyed black cat and the words “Cat’s Guide to a Successful Day.” Panel 2: “Rise Early” - The cat wakes its owner by sitting on their head as the sun rises. Panel 3: “Get Some Exercise” - The cat enthusiastically climbs a curtain, shredding it in the process. Panel 4: “Take a Break” - The cat relaxes on the owner’s lap while they read a book. Panel 5: “Eat Healthy” - The cat bites a houseplant, looking guilty but determined. Panel 6: “Voice Constructive Criticism” - The cat meows aggressively at its owner, who is trying to work at the computer. Panel 7: “Smash the Patriarchy” - The cat scratches the side of a green armchair, staring defiantly. Panel 8: “Make New Allies” - The cat shakes paws with a small mouse, both looking pleased. Panel 9: “Unwind with Loved Ones” - The cat cuddles with the owner, all looking content.
Yo, I love you cat, but if you fuck up my grandma’s favorite chair in order to sMaSh ThE pAtRiArChY, then I’m going to repair it with your skin.
I see War and Peas, I upvote.
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And yet, people love them. “Oh, but they’re so cute though!”
You could make the same argument about any pet. There are behaviors that need to be controlled for any pet you decide to keep in your house. If you’re brave enough to adopt a young one, you’ll almost definitely experience those things as you train them. A well trained pet won’t exhibit those behaviors, but it takes hard work to get there.
What’s not to love about it?
Lmao at the making new allies part.
I also quite like the art style, it has a feral/humble quality to it