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The original was posted on /r/truscum by /u/GoofyGooberGlibber on 2025-01-22 00:17:31+00:00.

Greetings and salutations! We have posted in here before, but we’d like to reiterate the same post and invite new members: 

I fully believe that it is possible to retake control of the public narrative around transsexualism. We need to and should be acting together as a coherent group of people with intent and an actual goal. We should advocate for ourselves and support each other in difficult times.

In light of that, we are very happy to let you all know that the Transsex Advocacy Network (TAN) is now launching. There is a lot of work that still needs to be done, but as of now a community space has been built on Discord as well as a group on Telegram. This organization is specifically for people who have transsexualism to have a community, support each other, and (most importantly) advocate for the treatment of our condition as medical and separate from gender nonconformists. These are spaces for us, about us, and to talk about our issues. It is more than possible to raise awareness and discuss our issues without focusing primarily on others.

We have since integrated a Mission Statement, and invite you to take a look! On Sundays, we also hold a meeting on Discord for support. If you are iffy about being part of the organization, you can also make it clear that you want to be part of the support group on Sundays, which will only be for transsex people. 



Mission Statement: