I mean, that’s one avenue to go.
You can’t strike at the top, not without a shit ton more resources and planning than most people have access to
But slowing it down by taking out the underlings? That’s feasible. They can’t protect everyone all the time
From the inside…
I gotta say I like the energy tho, could be worse.
I mean I’m no fan of the Musk brigade, but I’m not ready to “pink mist” people based on a list of names someone I don’t know spread on the internet.
Nah, don’t have to go that far.
There’s a dozen ways to inhibit, remove, or otherwise negate underlings.
Observation is a big one. Nobody is perfect. Watch, find weak links, compromise them that way. Apply social pressure from the edges, use the same tools they use if necessary: misinformation. Rumors, innuendo that weakens their position as underlings. If you do that one enough, then nobody gets trusted, it applies pressure upward as well because someone has to do the grunt work, and the higher you push that up the ladder, the more stress it places on the system.
But it all starts with knowing who it is and finding ways to move based on that, what position they hold, what ties they have that can turn into knots that bind them.
It doesn’t even take organization. It just takes people who can stay in the pocket, stay cool, and observe instead of doing stupid shit. Gather information, spread it via trusted contacts only. Hope that it reaches someone that can apply it usefully. Let a network build that way and form a good opposition from beneath.
It doesn’t have to, or even best work by, going hard. Yeah, there’s no such thing as a bloodless revolution, but you push that off as long as possible to as few targets as possible. But the way to do that is to find levers to pull, and those names are a start for that.
This man is crowdsourcing a psy op.
I fuck with this energy
And anyone who was would have to be a raging moron to comment about it online.