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The original was posted on /r/luxembourg by /u/ttarchal on 2025-02-03 18:34:36+00:00.
This winter I feel it is particularly bad, perhaps because of the large number of days with still, cold air. I can just feel a hint of suffocating smoke in the air, especially in the evenings and nights; sometimes it’s irritating enough that I have trouble falling asleep.
In case you think it’s all a figment of my imagination, I’ve gotten to checking air quality index in the last few weeks, and what I noticed pretty much confirms my suspicion: on the cold, still days when I can feel it, the air quality drops to “Poor” or even “Unhealthy” levels, like today.
Why isn’t anyone talking about it? In other cities in Europe air quality can be a major political issue, why not here when it’s so bad you can literally smell it with your own nose? What’s causing it? Is it the old diesel cars, the industry, or something else? Is anyone even measuring it or examining the causes scientifically?