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The original was posted on /r/paymoneywubby by /u/hopefullExpat on 2025-02-05 06:59:51+00:00.

TW: sincerity lmao

what a breath of fresh air.

im so proud of the community Wubby has fostered here. it’s a really nice balance of aggressive autism, unhinged humor, personal growth, and most importantly, empathy(when appropriate of course. cant be tooooo nice.).

im on vacation in SoCal right now and met up with an internet friend i made through stream.

it was fucking awesome.

like… you know how fucking cool it is to hang out with someone who’s supportive of queer people(me) AND not gonna judge you if you say something a lil out of pocket? it’s VERY rare.

im from the deep religious south and live in Portland now. ive been a married christian man in the army infantry and now im a trans tech nerd making software in portland. ive walked in both worlds. this community is the only place ive found where people are just chillin. it’s the only place where ive seen real “open mindedness”…

…and i fuck with that HEAVY.

shout out to theedictionary. youre a real one. thnx for meeting up it was way fun.
