OP seems to be American
I’m in the UK and have experienced all of this
Sounds like you’re American too.
I’m from central Europe and have experienced all of this.
We are all American this blessed day.
We’re all living in Amerika
Amerika ist wunderbar
“Being bad at stuff” is also so selective. The other kids are not expected to be two years ahead in math, but I am expected to be able to sit perfectly still for 4 hours and pay attention in an oxygen depleted room. Everybody has to have this nearly exact same skillset.
It’s not what society needs, not even what the industry needs in the workforce, but that is most convenient for the teachers.
I remember when I was really, really young I hadn’t figured out all the nuanced definitions of the word “bad”. At some point (I think it was in Sunday school) I told an adult that I put cereal in the fridge once. They said that was bad. So then I was all like “fuck, I guess I’m going to hell”
Things were going great for me too. I was looking forward to heaven. I mean, sure, I’d lied, cheated, had bad thoughts, murdered a few people here and there, had wild sex with everyone, you know, the usual, but it was all good, still goin to heaven. But fuck me, I put the cereal in the refrigerator yesterday and now I’m doomed to spend eternity in hell. I was THIS close.