You guys get along with so little. Here’s what I never leave the house without, carried in a Fjällräven Greenland size S bag…:

– phone (up until recently I had a tiny Nokia dumbphone for voice calls because it sucks when someone calls on the smartphone during navigation while on motorcycle…) – wallet with home and office keys attached – a metal ring coupled to the bag strap for car / bike keys – case for glasses if I need to take them off (rarely used though) – tiny knife that masquerades as a bottle opener – bag with USB charger, power bank, assortment of short USB cables for all occasions, Arch Linux boot stick – a pen and a couple of permanent markers – travel toothbrush – lighter (I don’t smoke but it makes me friends) – some lucky charms: gemstones picked by my daughter tied into a ‘sausage’ with some stretch fabric – T1D stuff: insulin pens in a gorgeous leather roll made by a friend - glucose meter with accessories - bag with pen needles - plastic jar with lid for used needles - pocket scale for weighing stuff to calculate carbs - glucose tablets and Skittles (great for microdosing carbs)

Not in shot: wrist watch.

    3 months ago

    Lmao, I love your tread on me patch, and that knife is super nifty!

    This looks like a lovely and super practical carry, thanks for sharing it!

    Its always really interesting to get a glimpse into the world of someone who has to deal with very different things than yourself- the jar for needles seems like an excellent way to dispose of them!

    I’ve thought about carrying a lighter just for other folks but I’m not sure enough people in the spaces I inhabit smoke enough I’d ever be able to offer it to folks. Though I don’t get our much anyway, so that doesn’t really help either 😅