OnlyFans is suspicious af considering it’s not blocked in US states with porn bans. Some weird small group of people did a lot of hard work to effectively create a monopoly over porn in some U.S. states, users and creators should beware. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these onlyfans contents are marketing pieces.
As far as I understand it, the “porn bans” are actually laws that force strict ID requirements, not literally banning porn. (I’m not trying to debate whether they’re effectively porn bans, I’d agree they are.) So sites that are paid access only probably have an easier time proving they don’t let minors in.
I watched the video and it is very convincing and honestly true on many levels. If you can earn much better money from being your own boss then why would you want to spend time with those assholes at work for less?
I am doing it myself just not as successful and not porn because I like privacy.
There is something strange about her and this whole thing though. I can’t help to think it’s all some kind of stunt or AI person idk. Something is uncanny. Maybe it is just the autism that radiates from her that throws me off and looks like AI.
We live in the times when it is increasingly hard to tell what is real. And also honestly if she was compsci phd and machine learning expert at this level 1 million is nothing vs what potentially she could make right now with that background and shrewd. There’s so much money in this right now, you just don’t drop to do porn when we have second internet revolution for better or worse. Something doesn’t add up.
This is actually sad to see.
“An advocate of women in science until recently” makes you think what really are their priorities.
academia is toxic for everyone, but especially for women, and especially in STEM
The stories my female doctor friend tells me about treatment from male colleagues or female superiors is freaking rage-inducing. But 99% of the time she can’t do shit about it because she’ll be ostracized or risk her job, or in the past risk residency or placements. It suuuucks.
??? everyone’s priority is money. obviously. how is this a shock?
Have you never heard of scientists or artists? Lots of people prioritize passion over money.
I know many many artists, and none of them would resist an offer to do what they’re passionate about in exchange for lots of money. Or to do what they’re not very passionate about in exchange for lots of money. Or even something they downright hate doing, in exchange for lots of money. Having lots of money means you can invest in those things you are passionate about.
I looked more into that.
She did an interview in which she said that she did not like the academia Life but wants to focus on her social media career, which includes of, but also a YouTube channel where she published science related videos
So still doing science stuff, but not pursuing a PhD anymore.
If you’ve got it, flaunt it.
I hope she manages to set up an irrevocable trust that guarantees steady income for the rest of her life so someday she can quit sex work and just pursue art or something if she wants
Hell, maybe it’ll turn out that sex work is her art and that is ok too
But my Puritan beliefs are more important than her well being!!!
Good for her but I can’t help but feel envious that paths and choices like this are basically exclusively only available to the opposite sex
you could argue that men have similar exclusive, lucrative paths that use their strength/athleticism and are also probably statistically similar rates of exclusivity within their sex. Like, not everyone will be a professional footballer just like not every onlyfans model makes livable income.
Not to mention, it’s definitely possible for men to have successful careers in sex work. I expect there are far fewer successful men in sex work, and they probably need to be ok with having a mostly male clientele. But it’s still possible.
What a sad waste of expensive education.
Why do people in academics want to pursue big money in the first place? Misplaced priorities.
Capitalism is a wealth based caste system, but kids aren’t taught that in school so many don’t connect the dots until they are in college.
If we don’t want people to value wealth above everything else maybe we shouldn’t have a system that also prioritizes profits above people, the planet, science and everything else.
First of all, thats completely off topic.
Secondly, unregulated Capitalism devolves into a caste system as a result of weakness of the democratic state’s ability to self govern.
If a nation state has the complete authority over all labor and markets it likely isn’t a very free nation, and all authoritarian nations also devolve into castes almost immediately with no recourse to push back.
If a nation state does not have complete authority then it will organically develop markets and therefor is a capitalism, anyways.
There are non capitalistic economic systems that are also don’t require state ownership and are non authoritarian. Literally just incentivizing worker owned coops is an example of how you can drastically shift the economic system without changing the political system. Markets =/= capitalism. The ability to hoard capital and thus power through private ownership is capitalism. I’m not saying that what i described is the perfect system, it’s just an example of something possible outside of your argument.
Lol, no, there aren’t any such systems currently in existence. No where on earth does that.
Worker owned coops have to compete with privately companies unless private companies are outlawed, but in that example the state is expressing absolute authority over how businesses are structured. If the state gives them the freedom, then capitalistic business structures such as privately owned businesses or publicly traded business with vastly disproportionate ownership shares will form.
I didn’t say they exist. Though Sweden was making an attempt (before their president was assassinated in the 1970s) simply by giving employee unions more power. If worker/employee owned co ops had more opportunities for startup funding, why wouldn’t they form organically and compete with traditional businesses?
I personally never understood dropping out when something like this happeneds. Like bro now you got the money to have the degree and not worry about paying it off. Might as well have it just to have it
They drop out so they can do the other thing full time instead of part time…
Especially because it’s porn. Gotta make as much money now while she can
Yeah, can always go back to school when you age out at 25…
A science PhD is fucking grueling.
And OnlyFans job is grueling fucking? 🤔
Classical Electrodynamics by Jackson helped me feel like a jock in Calculus.
Academia is misogynist enough without an OF account. She’s leaving a shitty job not just a low paying job.
Step one to becoming an Onlyfans star … be young
Step two to becoming an Onlyfans star … have natural beauty
I’m 0-2. 😭
She probably gets treated more respectfully by her OnlyFans viewers than her co-workers in her PhD program.
Good for her! I’m sure it’s not easy to achieve that kind of success on OnlyFans, so clearly she made some smart moves to get where she is.
I guess it depends on how easy you can be discovered. It’s easy to take off your clothes and get people to pay you to do it, but if you’re in a sea of 1000s of women doing the same thing are you seen?
Same thing with being a YouTuber. Anyone can create a channel. It’s hard to make that channel worth something.
I’m sure “working hard” is way more important than being attractive on a platform where people pay to watch attractive women naked. Oh, wait…
Being successful anywhere requires hard work. You can be born into money, but you’ll have to work a lot to be a success yourself, not just a nobody with a lot of money coming from those that were successful. You can be born attractive (and that’s subjective anyway, people have a lot of different tastes and kinks) and without hard work, it’ll not be worth anything.
No idea why you are being so patronizing and dismissive. Either you are bitter and lashing out, or you need a little bit more perspective and general empathy, as in capability to see the world not only from your personal point of view, and the capability to process that, too.
This reads like a typical white knight comment one might find on reddit. Lemmy is getting more and more disappointing every day.
If you really believe that a person that makes 1M on OF “deserves” that money and did “hard work” then I don’t really think there’s anything we can discuss.