Ah, just what I needed.
Love the errata:
I found out about the data stream from https://iss-mimic.github.io/Mimic/, which has considerably more and more interesting stats than just how full the piss tank is.
I will not be adding any of them
I was particularly fond of the naming:
I liked
actor PissActor {
Hey that was my FOIA request
Finally a killer app for Mac
Maybe I’m a bit stupid, but where the fuck is the code in that repo? All files seem to be just some sort of structured meta data and stuff.
Welcome to the worlds of apps, where most files and folders are autogenerated so you need to use an ide made for it (in this case swift) to make sense of it. I work with apps so little now days that I forget the structure and get just as confused as I was the first time I saw it haha
Instant star from me. Looking forward to the Gnome port.