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The original was posted on /r/akaimpc by /u/MarcoScherer on 2024-12-22 14:00:51+00:00.
I’m a sample addict and I love to sneek through MPC users creations and collections. It’s ultimately inspiring to see what others do with samples and projects.
Unfortunately these occasions happen pretty rarely.
Would you be up to sharing some of your (maybe legacy) sample disks and/or MPC projects? Maybe it’s inspiring for you as well?
If so, simply upload them to Dropbox, Google Drive or anywhere else and post a link here.
I’ll start with my full MPC 1000 collection:
The collection contains roughly 58 kits, numerous drum samples and 31 (mostly Techno) projects. Use them freely, but please don’t resell anything as is.
Anyone up for sharing some treasures as well?