Been building this server up for about 5 years, adding hard drives as needed.
Running unraid
E5-2698 v3
64gb ddr4 ecc
X99-E WS
P600 for transcoding
10gbit networking w/ 3gbit fibre WAN
15 HDDs of assorted sizes, totally 148TB, 132TB usable
What does your parirty arrangement look like?
Just a single 16tb drive for now. I need a bigger chassis to do dual parity
Oof, definitely recommend dual parity for this many drives.
Great hardware.
Unraid… shudders
What would you pick over Unraid?
Linux software LVMRAID or better yet - ZFS.
But I don’t want to spend my free time managing yet another server. Slap unraid on it an call it a day.
I was referring to the actual storage system. Unraid’s funny JBOD vs some easy to use industry standard solutions. Not the overall OS with any dancing bears it displays, or doesn’t. ☺️
If you’re looking at the latter, I have no argument against installing something with easy to use interface etc. like Unraid.
Unraid supports zfs pools as of the 6.12 update
Least insane porn connoisseur