🎺 🎺 who is excited for the climate collapse!?
What’s not to love about watching our planet slowly unravel like an ill-knit sweater? The thrill of waking up each day to news of another environmental disaster is just the sort of excitement we love! Who needs stable ecosystems or clean air when we can have the exhilarating uncertainty of wondering what fresh climate calamity will greet us next?
So, here’s to the grand adventure of navigating a collapsing climate - applause for us, the brave souls who will ride this wild roller coaster all the way to its end! Whatever it may be.
It doesn’t have to be that way though. Plenty of sunlight and wind to power a civilization that is willing to live sustainably.
Just need to each find a way to work towards it happening
Billionaires don’t want to solve problems. They want to make money and improve their image. When the opportunity to be horrible people presents itself, they will always show their true face.
Take every chance you can to hinder billionaires. And never trust a billionaire. And if you’re forced to pick between two billionaires, always pick the less rich billionaire. This is the best wisdom I have to offer. They’re all a bunch of freaks who never found happiness. They’re either indifferent to our problems or they hate us. They don’t want to make things better for any of us.