Dropbox is ditching its encrypted vault March 4th
Rip to everyone’s private porn storage.
A vault which copies your data in plain form to the cloud after it’s lifetime 🤦 –> CryFs & gocrypt ftw
If you not the only one holding the encryption key, you can’t guarantee your data cannot be snooped.
Either encrypt your stuff using GPG, or use something like Cryptomator.
Icloud / apple was just silently told in the UK that they need to provide a backdoor. I wonder if it’s happening to all of the major hosters
Actually it’s worse. They were told by the UK that they need to provide a backdoor globally.
And yeah, I’d say that’s a pretty safe assumption. Especially since we only know about the Apple one because of an internal leak, with neither Apple nor the government willing to comment,
Good point
If you’re using Dropbox in 2025, you may already have all of your private data shared with somebody.
They “say” they don’t feed it to AI. But Dropbox is bleeding money since 2018 and at some point, will be sold to the highest bidder and from that point, you might as well just store your data on somebody’s random website.