Breathing is the no risk, no effort, (relatively) low reward option. The only time you’ll stop making money is if you’re dead, and you’re still making 350,000 a year.
Breathing is the no risk, no effort, (relatively) low reward option. The only time you’ll stop making money is if you’re dead, and you’re still making 350,000 a year.
On one hand, breathing is the safe route that doesn’t stop until you’re dead, and even at the lower bound average of a random internet search (12 breaths per minute), still provides over $850 a day.
On the other, if walking earned you money, you’d almost certainly become healthier and live longer. Plus, unless you had an accident, you’ll be able to put away enough money to live off the interest forever and only a few years of normal walking.
While I doubt will be stuck on Earth in 7000 years, there’s absolutely going to be some of those old systems with 7000+ years of uptime. Just throw the nanite repair gel on it every 50 or so years.
The the problem with wind is that it’s fairly unreliable (you don’t know when you’ll get power), as well as being relatively high maintenance (though not compared to coal).