In imperative style, everything is an instruction (to suffer)
In imperative style, everything is an instruction (to suffer)
Approximation is an important tool for compressing information into useable forms. All labels are limited approximations too. Such compression is inevitably lossy, but that is a sacrifice for the sake of practicality. The important question is what level of compression is acceptable for a given context. If I describe the location of a chess piece on the board, I don’t need to specify how far off-center on its square a given piece is, so a 0-7 offset along each of the two axes is enough for game purposes.
When it comes to gender, I think we all agree that [0, 1] is insufficient, but how do we determine what is sufficient? Do we argue that a 2-bit vector (masc, fem) is enough to describe {neither, fem, masc, both} for rough rounding, or do we need more detailed values along those axes, or perhaps a third axis too (or more)?
The issue with this kind of buzzword is the multitude of definitions in use. You assume people are familiar with and agree upon yours, thus making it the correct one. But the meaning of words isn’t just dictated by what some people think it means, but by the way many people use them. Thus, Buzzwords used in many contexts primarily to sell something by vague association with something trendy (“cloud”) suffer from a dilution of meaning.
In this case, the OP was confused whether the word means that their system will be running in the cloud rather than their machine at home. So however “correct” your definition may be on paper, it brought no benefit in describing your product.
And that is the heart of the criticism: Don’t rely on snappy buzzwords just because you have one definition for them. Explain that definition too, in case people like the OP don’t know which one you use.
Doubling down on being obtuse does nobody any favours. If people communicate “this term is confusing”, refusing to change it is your right, but spiting good intentions is still immature.
Huh, weird. The IT guys I work with don’t just know Windows, when I joked about wanting a Linux instead they pointed out that we have software devs using Linux too. I’d need some reason to request it, but if I know the right people (and more particularly, what their favourite snacks are), I could probably get it approved.
(Doesn’t actually help me, given I’m stuck using proprietary tools that I couldn’t get to run with wine, but at least the option is there. And that’s a big corp.)
What use is misleading accuracy? Why double down on confusing people?
But with a delay based on how far away from the king the revealed square is, while your move orders also arrive at a delay…
I think I’m inventing an entirely different game here.