can’t help but notice this is the only entry on this page. and that all but one of the words are correctly spelled.
i’m calling untrustworthy poptarts on this one i’m sorry
- yeah, i think most people do a single entry per page, no matter the length. that’s not uncommon for a journal
- none of these words are particularly complex
- the author’s age is unknown
- i’d rather choose to take people at face value until given a reason otherwise
Not saying it’s fake, but point 4 is a good way of spreading misinformation on the internet
You’re absolutely correct there. My issue is that I feel like so many of us are almost giving in to the desires of those that spread misinformation, and becoming completely cynical towards anything that’s shared online. A healthy amount of skepticism is required. Asking yourself “what does this person gain here if they’re lying” and if that answer is “some notes on tumblr” then I’d personally rather choose to believe them. To instead get to have the positive feelings that post provides. Rather than dwell on it and believe that all of humanity are dishonest and disingenuous.
That’s just my two cents.