👽Dropped at birth from space to earth👽


  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • But the vast, vast majority of the population, including most trans people…

    I don’t know what circles you roll in, but from what I’ve seen the majority of trans folks are polyamorous or open. I do agree with your other points though, that combining social media and dating features is a terrible idea.

    I’m also really questioning the fact it doesn’t appear to be open source at all, in an era where there are so many different fedi projects that could just be used with a custom frontend/app.

    Edit: I was wrong, the app is indeed open source: https://gitea.com/t4t

  • I’m merely hoping that the collective intelligence of 8 billion aided by AI and whatnot…

    Okay, two things. Firstly, AI is causing a massive acceleration in the damage we’re doing to the climate. It is incredibly power-hungry to train those models. Secondly, AI is, in fact, incredibly bloody stupid. It is not “intelligent”, and in essence is just a rebranding of what AI should be for marketing purposes. It’s not capable of novel ideas, nor does it try to be.

    Please for the love of all that is good in this world could people educate themselves on how terrible AI actually is.

  • Did the US ever issue passports with an X gender marker for its own citizens? I didn’t think they had, so what this reads like to me is that I, an Australian, would be detained at the border.

    It’s also a more extreme act than mere confiscation if it’s being done to American citizens. I’ll also note that the X gender marker is, in part, intended for use by intersex people. Alongside the recent EO erasing us from public life, from using any bathrooms.

    I don’t know, I guess the point I’m trying to make is please have solidarity for us intersex folks. Please talk about us, about how it may be affecting us.

  • This is a poor take on how to deal with the tyranny of the majority, in my opinion. I wasn’t saying it necessarily applied here, and was only bringing it up as a caution against absolute democracy. Here’s a longer form example:

    Say you have a software project that operates as an absolute democracy. Each and every new software feature that the developers work on is decided by a vote of all users and contributors to the project. For vote after vote, the feature “implement screen-reader support” is passed over for shinier and more exciting new features, after all the vast majority of voters don’t use a screen-reader.

    Wouldn’t you say that it is fair if eventually the developers told the community “Nope, we’re going to implement screen-reader support as the next feature”? Or do you believe the blind users should have to fork the project and implement screen-reader support for themselves? After all, they’ve been “free” to do that the whole time.

  • …impose rules that would never pass a basic yes/no poll…

    I generally agree with your comment, but I wanted to point out that the tyranny of the majority can still be a major issue. For example, there are often times when a majority of people believe the opposite of what a small number of experts agree is the best course of action. You can see this in laws that suppress trans rights receiving wider public support, even when they go against medical best practices.