I have a clear globe that i would like to project to a flat map. Any common projection should work, since computer programs exist for converting map projections. Where should i start?
A couple of details: First, my “globe” is an empty plastic Christmas tree ornament, so it can be hung from a string at one end but it doesn’t have a stand like a normal globe does.
Second, this is a worldbuilding thing. My globe does not represent any real planet or similar body, which is why i need to make a new map from the globe instead of finding an existing one.
I’m not a cartographer, but the way I’d tackle this is to drill a small hole in the globe and spray paint in through it, so that the inner surface is opaque white. Then I would put together a cheap turntable-style 3D scanner using an off-the-shelf camera (there are open source designs available for this that you can buy as a kit or print using a 3D printer, then assemble following step-by-step instructions). Then, after scanning the globe and obtaining a textured 3D model of it, it should be relatively easy to convert the globe’s texture from a spherical shape to a standard map projection using software. I don’t know what software that would be offhand, but I’m sure it exists.