To conceptualize though, it might be better to set up some sort of wave table - some sort of tub of water you set up the slits in, then observe the patterns of constructive and destructive interference. (That’s what I did with students.)
Yes, thats a very easy demonstation of the wave nature of light, what bugs me is the demonstration that it’s also a particle that I feel is misleading. Maybe particle is not the right word to describe it’s nature.
You can put together a version good enough for high schoolers with a laser pointer and some pencils.
To conceptualize though, it might be better to set up some sort of wave table - some sort of tub of water you set up the slits in, then observe the patterns of constructive and destructive interference. (That’s what I did with students.)
Yes, thats a very easy demonstation of the wave nature of light, what bugs me is the demonstration that it’s also a particle that I feel is misleading. Maybe particle is not the right word to describe it’s nature.