May I remind you of the existence of the one true stupidest haircut ever invented: the mullet. The great equalizer of looking bad. Not one person on the entire planet Earth can wear it well.
I don’t really mind the broccoli cut. There are many far worse follicular atrocities throughout history. Beehives, flat tops, the mullets already mentioned, and many others are worse than broccoli hair IMO.
No way, broccoli hair is significantly worse than almost any other hairstyle.
You couldn’t convince me broccoli hair was started as a meme to see if people would make themselves look dumb to follow a trend.
Yeah, the haircut in OPs picture is normal, if they wanted to show and idiotic haircut it should have been the manbun.
May I remind you of the existence of the one true stupidest haircut ever invented: the mullet. The great equalizer of looking bad. Not one person on the entire planet Earth can wear it well.
Counter point the mullet looks perfectly acceptable when combined qith headware such as hats. Or if you are a snake, a bandana.
I rest my case.
I don’t really mind the broccoli cut. There are many far worse follicular atrocities throughout history. Beehives, flat tops, the mullets already mentioned, and many others are worse than broccoli hair IMO.
What makes it so bad?
The look, mostly.