Yeah I don’t understand this reaction at all. I drive a little hatchback, and when I’m out on the open road just me and the friendly neighborhood tailgating pickup, I want them to be literally anywhere else but behind me ASAP. Usually I’ll drive slower and slower until they pass me, and I’m relieved when they do. In the infuriating situations where that doesn’t work, I say fuck it, drop a gear, and speed for a couple miles to create some distance.
Because Fuck them?
Why not just give the bully your lunch money so they don’t beat you up?
but you’re intentionally blinding yourself at that point
it’s not like they’re going to have any idea what they’re doing wrong
plus if they get in front of you, you can flash your lights at them so they at least have some idea of the issue at hand
Yeah I don’t understand this reaction at all. I drive a little hatchback, and when I’m out on the open road just me and the friendly neighborhood tailgating pickup, I want them to be literally anywhere else but behind me ASAP. Usually I’ll drive slower and slower until they pass me, and I’m relieved when they do. In the infuriating situations where that doesn’t work, I say fuck it, drop a gear, and speed for a couple miles to create some distance.
plus if they get in front of you, you can flash your lights at them so they at least have some idea of the issue at hand
honestly you’re as bad as the pickup driver. maybe worse. get off the road you psycho