Do you have the comprehension skills of a brick? Read kash’s post from the lens of an anti-vaxxer and then add in the twist of humor from this comment’s OP regarding their own lies. I don’t see how this is so hard to grasp unless you’re mentally disabled.
That’s not how it reads lol
… er ok. what is your interpretation
They’re anti-vaxxers so it wasn’t their medical lies to begin with
?? so anti vaxx isnt medical lies? what.
“The propaganda” was not their propaganda. That’s what it’s saying, but you wrote it as if it was theirs.
uhh. ok
So it’d be more accurate to have written, “you were immune to their lies but are you immune to ours?”
what are you saying and what do you mean. you’re not coherent
Do you have the comprehension skills of a brick? Read kash’s post from the lens of an anti-vaxxer and then add in the twist of humor from this comment’s OP regarding their own lies. I don’t see how this is so hard to grasp unless you’re mentally disabled.