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It’s difficult to persuade people to your lifestyle, and your point of view, if you’r starting position is that their brainwashed if they don’t agree with you.
Honestly, I’m not sure it’s a matter of persuasion. It’s a personal growth impairment they will have to resolve for themselves.
All young men have a version of this. It’s a shame it’s being encouraged by grifters, but what can you do.
I’m confused, you down vote me, meaning I didn’t contribute to the discussion to your standard, but you provided a thoughtful comment.
Hostility isn’t a great way to build dialog.
Your contributions to this thread seem to be very grievance-focused. In the context of this topic, that seems relevant.
Is it something you wish to discuss?
If we want people to behave differently we would find more success by not starting with the premise they are brainwashed. That is my thesis.
What about “tricked”? Or calling men currently in the grifter cycle a “mark”