hi there, comrades! just curious, what do you all actually host for yourselves?
i currently run a two old PCs refurbished as Ubuntu servers and am looking at adding a Raspberry Pi 400 that i was gifted and don’t know what to do with. i have ideas though!
anyway, i’d love to hear what you’ve found useful, helpful, and/or fun to run. my own answer will be in the comments.
Nextcloud, Synapse + bridges, Adguard Home, Uptime Kuma, Home Assistant. Thinking about spinning up Gitea, Forgejo or Gitlab again.
GitLab is really nice, just needs like 6-8gb of ram, vs 1 for GitTea. Are you working with other folks, or is it just for personal stuff? I run a small GitTea server myself for super private stuff. The rest I just put on GH.
At this stage I’ll probably just mirror my stuff from GH. I have a feeling they’ll be doing something stupid soon, forcing people to look for alternatives.
Would be nice to collaborate with others, but getting started is hard when you don’t have enough free time.
It seems Gitea has basic CI + package registries now, that will be plenty for my needs.