Prices like £5 in London or $7 in New York for a cup of coffee may be unthinkable for some - but could soon be a reality
This person is kidding, right? The price is already $7 for a simple Latte in Starbucks’ home territory. I’m not talking about Starbucks pricing BTW, that’s even higher. I’m talking about chain and non-chain stores. Everywhere the price is already through the roof. Is it that much lower in NYC?
This person is kidding, right? The price is already $7 for a simple Latte in Starbucks’ home territory. I’m not talking about Starbucks pricing BTW, that’s even higher. I’m talking about chain and non-chain stores. Everywhere the price is already through the roof. Is it that much lower in NYC?
A latte is not a cup of coffee. I think black coffee is like 2 bucks.