New research released today shows that 93 percent of Māori in Aotearoa experience racism every day, and even more - 96 percent - say racism is a problem for their whānau.
71 percent of Māori with a Māori name, most (53 percent) had to explain or spell their name regularly.
As someone with an uncommon name that sounds similar to a common name; I regularly have to spell my name. I have even been “corrected” to the correct spelling twice. My partner who is not of European descent…she has to spell her last name all the time.
I wouldn’t class that as racism. However…
For example, when shopping or seeking services, 89 percent of Māori said they were less likely to receive assistance because they were Māori, and most had been followed, watched or asked to open their bags in a shop. A quarter of those surveyed said they were followed all the time or often.
Is straight up racism; and needs to be nipped in the bud.
Yea I don’t think spelling is racism, I don’t know why they put there. I know a Sara and she always has to spell it so people don’t put the H in the name.
As someone with an uncommon name that sounds similar to a common name; I regularly have to spell my name. I have even been “corrected” to the correct spelling twice. My partner who is not of European descent…she has to spell her last name all the time.
I wouldn’t class that as racism. However…
Is straight up racism; and needs to be nipped in the bud.
Yea I don’t think spelling is racism, I don’t know why they put there. I know a Sara and she always has to spell it so people don’t put the H in the name.