It’s a union store too, which is awesome.
You got a card? I can give you my co-op number and my fathers co-op number just off the top of my head.
I can recite my parent’s, but I’m going to have to use a crutch until I memorize it, LOL.
I just signed up, they didn’t say anything about sending a card, do they just do it automatically or do you have to request it?
They automatically sent me a card with some other information listing all the benefits of membership a couple weeks after I applied.
Of course that was so long ago that the cards didn’t have bar codes on them…
I would expect them to mail you something, though when I signed up for my local Co-op several years ago, they sent little key chain tags rather than full-sized membership cards.
Only thing is our Discovery co-op in the Battlefords is so expensive for groceries. Plus a lot of their Gold products are made in the USA. We love being members but, buying groceries isn’t really an option because of the cost.
The annual equity cheques aren’t too shabby, either.