That is highly misleading. The resolution instructs the House Energy and Commerce Committee to “submit changes in laws within its jurisdiction to reduce the deficit by not less than” $880 billion over the next decade. That panel has jurisdiction over Medicaid, which Republicans have repeatedly targeted in public and private discussions, with one leaked GOP document floating over $2 trillion in cuts to the program.
Republicans also rejected numerous Democratic amendments that would have prevented Medicaid and SNAP cuts in the upcoming budget reconciliation process as their resolution moved through committees.
Trump and his MAGATS are burning it all, the courts aren’t stopping them from doing damage, Congress is defunding medicare to tens of millions of american families, next will be social security, it’s all going, and then we’ll start to fight with each other with guns, and we’ll get sick from disease & unsafe food
Russia will finally destroy the US. And it’ll be done by our own politicians.
There were about 2.5k people at J6. I think far more than that are infuriated. They want us to “not be like them” and we won’t, we won’t smear shit on the walls.
I’ll smear shit on the walls. Congress deserves it.
I think the insinuation was that a different bodily fluid will be spilt. But if you wanna smear shit too, you do you
Blood, right? We should splatter blood?
Dang, I was going to guess mucus. Sigh. unzips