Craig Mokhiber on X … #ArrestHerzog
“Today the UN has shamed itself, violated its human rights mission, & dishonored the memory of millions of victims of the Holocaust. In an event that was supposed to commemorate the genocide of European Jews & the principle of “never again”, it honored & platformed a perpetrator of genocide, Isaac Herzog, president of the Israeli regime, & allowed him, unchallenged, to spout lies, racism and genocide propaganda, (as well as propaganda for war with Iran). If the UN does not get up from its knees, speak truth to power, and challenge the genocidal apartheid regime, its sponsors & proxies, & hold them to account for their serial criminality, it will almost certainly go the way of the League of Nations. Never again means never again for anyone. #ArrestHerzog”
#InternationalLaw #CraigMokhiber