You’re still giving them lots of money. Apple, Google, Microsoft, Burger King, KFC, Mc Donalds, Netflix, …
I’m not sure how these are related. I would buy a t-shirt that was made in Gaza but I wouldn’t travel there right now. Is there more context to your question or some examples of this being a contradiction?
I think those are two separate things. I also buy lots of stuff that’s manufactured in China. And I don’t feel any urge to go there on vacation?!
I think you’re misunderstanding why people don’t want to travel here.
It isn’t because they don’t want money coming here. It’s that they don’t want to be here when there’s a non zero chance we’re turning into a fascist state. Exactly how high that non zero chance is depends on who you ask.
Isn’t buying US products financing that fascist state? Especially if most of the money goes to the billionaires actively coddling and helping the fascist?
Are you actually asking questions? If not just share opinions as statements… It’s easier dialog.
If you are unable to answer them, here’s a hint: try answering it with yes or no, then ask yourself why you answered that way.
Here’s I’ll help: buying US products is not financing the fascist state, because <insert your reasoning>. Voilà, you are successfully answering a question.
For those not in the know:
Eh, no more than hitting buying products from any multinational corporations. It really doesn’t matter where a company is based or started from, once you get into the kind of upper end of money where there’s billionaires involved, they’re fucking around everywhere.
You’d need to boycott every company that’s publicly traded to be able to use it as an attack vector against billionaire driven fascism.
The way those big corporations and conglomerates are set up means you can’t just pick out the brands that are US based and assume it isn’t going to line the proverbial pockets of those assholes. Partaking in any brand that isn’t very limited in distribution and reach is eventually going to end up in oligarch hands. Even that’s no guarantee you aren’t sending money their way eventually, it just won’t be immediate.