I don’t know, you said “Just shut the fuck up” to reasonale criticism. Sounds like this is your walking back after being called out.
“I want them criticized and called out, I just don’t think it should be done anytime any of them are running for office when it’s most important, and if you do you should shut up.”
Wrong, wrong, and wrong. I never walked back, I said the same thing multiple times. At this point you’re either incredibly stupid, or intent on being a bully. I said shut the fuck up to that user because he was not getting my point. I said “until we have ranked choice voting” because THEN it makes sense to criticize a party 3 months before an election. Right now, you’re just shooting yourself in the foot (and it already showed).
“I want them criticized and called out, I just don’t think it should be done anytime any of them are running for office when it’s most important, and if you do you should shut up.”
Yes, this is basically what I said, and there’s nothing wrong with that. I’ll spell it out for the 50th time for you: Criticize dems, but not right before an important election, because you will push people to not vote or vote third party and fascism will win (we are here).
That was about an hour. Good job.
Me telling a specific user who didn’t get my point to shut the fuck up is not the same as telling people they can’t criticize Dems. Try again.
I don’t know, you said “Just shut the fuck up” to reasonale criticism. Sounds like this is your walking back after being called out.
“I want them criticized and called out, I just don’t think it should be done anytime any of them are running for office when it’s most important, and if you do you should shut up.”
Wrong, wrong, and wrong. I never walked back, I said the same thing multiple times. At this point you’re either incredibly stupid, or intent on being a bully. I said shut the fuck up to that user because he was not getting my point. I said “until we have ranked choice voting” because THEN it makes sense to criticize a party 3 months before an election. Right now, you’re just shooting yourself in the foot (and it already showed).
Yes, this is basically what I said, and there’s nothing wrong with that. I’ll spell it out for the 50th time for you: Criticize dems, but not right before an important election, because you will push people to not vote or vote third party and fascism will win (we are here).
Here’s an idea: How about you shut the fuck up until ranked choice is implemented