That’s OK Hungary, feel free to leave, and stop trading agricultural products with EU, that way you can protect your farmers 100% from competition.
Spoken as if Europe isn’t going to kick Hungary out very soon.
The only reason we keep them is because they’re a bunch of rats that would team up with Putler.
The only reason we keep them is because there is no way of kicking someone out and at this point it is merely possible to implement something like this
We have to find a way to deal with this or we will be condemned in the long run. I know, it is easier said than done.
He is scared of a little competition in agriculture, more reason to add Ukraine to EU. competition is good for consumers.
Is this the same person that recalibrated his stance on imposing another sanctions package to Russia, after seeing how things were developing in the US?
This guy and all like him need to be housted and their political parties disolved.
Destroy Hungary, you say?
A win-win
Maybe they can swap? We get Ukraine, and Orban gets to sit at the Czar’s right hand next to Lukashenko and Kadyrov in the glorious Eurasian union state.
I’m good with destroying hunger…oh wait, destroying Hungary lol.
Yeah, I’m cool with that, too.
We know who really destroys Hungary.
Don’t threaten the EU with a good time, Orban
where downsides?
Wait, saying that it would destroy Hungary was supposed to dissuade us from letting Ukraine in?
Shit, that’d be two birds with one stone.