Claudia de la Cruz, the 2024 presidential candidate from the Party for Socialism and Liberation, just became director of the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO).
IFCO is the only org bringing US medical students to study at Cuba’s ELAM (Latin American School of Medicine), the largest medical school in the world. ELAM provides full scholarships for students. IFCO has worked to support Cuban solidarity since 1967, sending aid and acting as liaison between Cuba and the Congressional Black Caucus.
A principled socialist now runs the main connection between the US and Cuba’s medical system. This also deeply embeds PSL in older US orgs for leftist internationalism, and continues PSL’s work as a vanguard party leading the struggle.
I’m sure comrade Makan would rather you join CPUSA. But that’s just my assumption based on their history here, mind you. I don’t know if they’re still affiliated with them anymore.
I already said that I’m not. I left. And what about FRSO?