I pointed out the dishonest outright lies a post was making and rustled some jimmies.
Any day I rustle the jimmies of tankies is a good day.
The rest of the modlog was pretty entertaining too.
Edit: No the comment below my ban in this screenshot is not my comment. I guess that was confusing some people.
Full context: someone had posted a picture of the Obamas in a wine cellar and everyone was deriding them for being so bourgeois as to own a wine cellar (all the usual high level discourse such as “MichelleSoUgly lmaolol”)
I pointed out that this was them at a private event at a restaurant that has a wine cellar and not their own personal wine cellar. Everyone then freaked out that I was “defending the Obamas” and I got banned for Liberalism.
Honestly, I prefer that to the mods making up some bullshit. If they want to have their community free from Liberal views, they’re welcome to do so.
I suppose it sucks to hear “we made our community for people who disagree with you and don’t want to deal with your perspective,” but that is entirely their choice. You don’t get to claim moral superiority and do whatever you want regardless.
I’m here in Meanwhileongrad to have a laugh pointing out hypocrisy. There’s nothing hypocritical about “you are not welcome here for reasons we agreed upon and freely shared. Go away.”
But see the thing is, I do in fact get to do that. They can ban me but I can still claim moral superiority. What do you think this whole community is about?
You can claim whatever you want, but that doesn’t make you right.
Oh but it does. :)
Sorry, let me rephrase: you can claim moral superiority all you want, but that doesn’t mean you can walk into their space and do whatever you want. Like it or not, is it their community.
Yeah no, I get that. I mean I can walk in and do what I want exactly once though.