This can also be the product of a stupid breeder selecting dogs with bad traits, and not the fault of the breed.
Labradoodles have a significant higher prevalence with this kind of problems. It’s the breed. Common problems are allergies, problems with their joints (e.g. hip dysplasia) and problems with their eyes (PRA).
That said: AFAIK aggressiveness is not a typical problem with Labradoodles. Typical behavioural problems are hyperactivity and separation anxiety. Excessive barking can be an expression of both of these problems 🫣
The behavioural problems mentioned seem to me like problems caused by humans. No offence! It’s just an opinion from some random internet dude.
Labradoodles have a significant higher prevalence with this kind of problems. It’s the breed. Common problems are allergies, problems with their joints (e.g. hip dysplasia) and problems with their eyes (PRA).
That said: AFAIK aggressiveness is not a typical problem with Labradoodles. Typical behavioural problems are hyperactivity and separation anxiety. Excessive barking can be an expression of both of these problems 🫣
The behavioural problems mentioned seem to me like problems caused by humans. No offence! It’s just an opinion from some random internet dude.