They don’t take responsibility though, that’s the problem. I don’t think the dude realises just how useless some parents can be.
Do you want a country you can be proud of, where the schools are good quality, and the children have good quality food, or do you want a country that sucks, where it’s a case of “every man for himself”? Pretty basic.
Some parents are useless. Some parents neglect their kids, or spend all their money on drugs and alcohol.
But the kids don’t have a choice! They didn’t choose to be born to dead beat parents. They didn’t choose to go hungry. And these hungry, disenfranchised kids grow up to commit crime at disproportionate rates. Feeding these kids is the easiest way to reduce harm.
like we had
He is to out of touch, in all likelihood he had a parent at home. Someone was there to make said “Marmite sandwich”
Who does he think he is talking about?
He seems to have had a pretty typical middle class upbringing. Based on his wikipedia page, I’m guessing he never had an empty lunchbox. He apparently even spent a year at a private school. It does appear he had two parents working.
This is the closest I’ve ever seen a politician get to “Let them eat cake” (which would be better translated as “why don’t they just eat brioche?” when told people had no bread).
If all our kids had marmite and sandwich bread, we wouldn’t be asking for school lunches.
Marmite sandwiches are perhaps a good idea but Luxon should be directing Seymour to make that happen.
But they are not a good idea at all. Kids should have a well balanced meal not a damned marmite sandwich. I could understand it on the side of a meal but not as a meal itself.
What the hell is more important than spending our tax dollars feeding hungry kids?
Obviously, it is tax cuts for the already wealthy.
We are well on way to becoming USA and Israel.
This is one of the most tone deaf things Luxon could say… The people complaning and active in politics probably can make their own kids lunches. But they see little sarah going without at the school and think “she deserves to be protected by a government she cannot yet participate in”.
Sarah’s parents arenot going to hear this. Sarahs parents are already struggling to hold down 2 part time jobs to ensure Sarah has a roof over her head.
Just because kids cannot vote National dosent mean you can not forgo the simple step of protecting them and feed them at least 1 good square meal a day.
All this because Luxon cannot see past the silver spoon in his own mouth
Yeah, there’s a reasonable chunk of the population that are either working insane hours to keep their heads above water, or dropkicks that can’t make their kids a sandwich.
He really isn’t a natural politician.