3 days agoThis is one of the most tone deaf things Luxon could say… The people complaning and active in politics probably can make their own kids lunches. But they see little sarah going without at the school and think “she deserves to be protected by a government she cannot yet participate in”.
Sarah’s parents arenot going to hear this. Sarahs parents are already struggling to hold down 2 part time jobs to ensure Sarah has a roof over her head.
Just because kids cannot vote National dosent mean you can not forgo the simple step of protecting them and feed them at least 1 good square meal a day.
All this because Luxon cannot see past the silver spoon in his own mouth
101% this. Driving my mates and I yesterday on a completely packed 4 lane highway. 90% of cars were a single driver, no pasangers.
Even if we exclude tradie vans and utes who ill assume are at least transporting tools and gear, if every one of those vehicles carried 1 other person or chose to bike instead ( Christchurch, New Zealeand, we have good biking infrastructure also a bike path that follows the length of the highway) or even take the bus (public transport is pretty good) we would see an instant 50% reduction in traffic over night.