Does anyone know how to make a dark background/toolbar for the pdf viewer?
The only answer I found was on reddit, but it was deleted
I dont remember how I did it with Firefox. pdfjs.viewerCssTheme no longer works
Does anyone know how to make a dark background/toolbar for the pdf viewer?
The only answer I found was on reddit, but it was deleted
I dont remember how I did it with Firefox. pdfjs.viewerCssTheme no longer works
You can accomplish this using userContent.css stylings.
Dark mode for the pdf itself can be accomplished by following this blog guide.
Once set up, you can then paste additional stylings to get the background and sidebar whatever color you prefer. Here is my user content.css.
The commented out lines towards the bottom are for the sidebar (I personally didn’t change he sidebar).
Hope this helps.
thank you very much, it worked really well